Monday, April 20, 2020


Okay, so sometimes races remind me of Star Wars. I happen to be wired that way where EVERYTHING reminds me of Star Wars.
We had a relay race for the Western Mass. Championship and the final hand off looked eerily like a spaceship blasting out of the Death Star right before it was blown up.
ALL of the teams entered the last zone seemingly simultaneously and only ONE emerged first with their baton on their way to a title!
We had worked on that handoff all week long. I lost my mind trying to get them to do it right (some would say I never had a mind to begin with...fair enough).
Isabella "Itchy: Gamelli got the stick into the hand of McKenzie "Joker" Quigley and while everyone else struggled, we just jumped into hyperspace.
Now to best describe what it looked like by viewing the's right before Lando Calrissian exclaims "YEE-HAW".
The participants on that team also included Pally "Taker" Borrello and Elizabeth "Knight Rider" Lizzy Knight.
Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that team, but I do have one of the one the following year which includes Erin "Dilly Dilly" Lavelle.

Erin Dilly Dilly Lavelle,  Mckenzie "Joker" Quigley
Pally "Taker" Borrello, Isabella "Itchy" Gamelli

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