Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I am taking a few moments to address the entire team, but I do want to talk to each of you individually.

I am guessing that most of you are on school vacation, as I know that is how my son's school is handling this week.

My intent is to contact each of you individually to see how you are doing, and hope that you and your family are making the best of this situation.

If you like, after Saturday, I can continue to send you all workouts, but as you know we will not have any opportunity to compete this Spring. Let  Coach Morrissey and me know.

I am especially disappointed for our Seniors, who will not have an opportunity to shine for us once more. I truly believe that we have the best team in this Section, because of our experience, depth and the number of people we would have been working with. We certainly had a chance.

Coach Morrissey, Coach Gorman, Coach Sullivan, Coach Besser, Coach Kennedy, Coach Cowieson (which you all had no chance to meet yet), I want to thank all of you as well. I KNOW what each of you brings to the table.

I am equally frustrated...but we have to move on.

Focus your efforts on the things that you can control: Schoolwork, health, and being the good citizens that I know each and every one of you are.

I will still post some of our past relay teams as we go through April (since in this sport this month really IS relay month).

I shall be in touch with the boosters so see if there is anything they can do for you all. We have to be careful and allow the school district guide us.

I know I am going to miss a lot of you. For those that I have never had the chance to work with directly, I know you may be a little bit lost...but have faith.

I want to thank your parents for supporting you and trying to guide you through this challenging experience.

Don't be shy and do not be afraid to contact me if you need some sort of support. I don't have a lot of pull, but I can always try to find the answers you need.

You are all tough! We'll figure this out. Meantime, stay healthy, observe what those in authority are telling you to do, and we will all get through this, and be stronger in the process.

I want to dedicate this video to all of you so you know how I feel about you all and especially the last four years.

Coach Budd

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