Friday, September 18, 2020



Practice today starts at 3:00. Please BE ON TIME We shall have VERY LITTLE (if any) access to the school. We shall meet inside the tennis courts nearest the baseball field. Put your bags a minimum of 6 feet apart to maintain social distancing.  Go to the bathroom BEFORE you arrive.

We have a lot of things to go over as well as get our workout in for today.

Be dressed to run, have an adequate supply of water, wear a face mask, bring a hand sanitizer, wear a jacket if it is cool (not the jacket...the weather).

Discuss with your parents the time or times you would like to start practices next week. 

You shall be responsible for Saturday and Sunday runs, which I shall go over.

If we set the standard today, we can probably be done with most of our practices within an hour (sometimes  hour and a half) each day. Workouts are posted where they always have been each day and week.

Stay on top of your studies, I figure remote learning is more difficult than actually being in class. 

See you later today,

PLEASE make certain if you have not done so, to bring your signed Informed Consent waiver.

I have sent out text messages, and shall have copies with me for completion.

Coach Budd

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