Saturday, September 5, 2020


Details to follow.

For those competing, gaiters might be more practical on race day. Email has been sent to you all explaining the benefits.

Below is an example of the many uses available.

FOR MONDAY: Those running Tempo runs shall pace themselves as follows ( if you have yet to run your vo2 max and reported it to Coach Budd, we cannot give you an actual pace for Monday's tempo run.

Please try to get it in (vo2 max) Saturday if you have not run one, so that you are not fully stressed out on Monday. Report time to Coach Budd: (413) 364-1168 text or e-mail:

Make certain you include your name along with your time.

Here are goals for those that have done this workout:

4 Miles - approximately 35 minutes -  8:45 Mile Pace: Margaret Ryan

4 Miles - approximately 37 minutes 20 seconds - 9:20 Mile Pace: Elizabeth Laughlin

4 Miles - approximately 39 minutes - 9:45 Mile Pace: Elyse Donoghue

4 Miles - approximately 40 minutes - 10:00 Mile Pace: Angelina Carando

3 Miles - approximately 27 minutes - 9:00 Mile Pace: Emily Baker

Everyone else has no time for me as of yet. As times come in, I shall submit to each of you a target time for Monday.

Gaiters look like this: We can get them in red or gray. Note the different ways to wear them.

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