Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Rain is supposed to end this morning.

We shall still have practice. In fact, we shall do most of what we did yesterday. The exception is that we shall do leg circuits rather than core work.

Group 1 shall run Angelina's route.

Group 2 can run the same distance they did yesterday.

Group 3 will do 3 and 1/2 perimeters to continue to build on your aerobic energy system.

The only thing that might cancel practice today would be lightning. As I stated earlier this week, expect weather changes and pack a sweatshirt or jacket in your backpack. It can be nearly 80 degrees one day and low 50's the next.

Changes like that make us all more susceptible to illness. That being said, get your rest each night and eat a solid breakfast. Snack or have a sandwich for lunch and eat again to replenish your energy when you are done with practice.

Being quarantined at home during school might be a benefit, because you have less exposure to other students. Our athletic department is pleased that you have selected an activity to balance off your day. Getting out and doing something positive is a GOOD thing,

Will see you at 2:15. You folks are really doing well!

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