Sunday, September 20, 2020


Tempo runs are approximately 80- 85% of your one mile vo2 max time. So unlike this weekend it is NOT at a conversational pace. This practice shall be WORK. 

I figure we should run perimeters. Each perimeter is approximately a mile. Each perimeter shall be timed.

The objective is to hit your pace on each lap.

New people are looking at 3 miles at a pace in which I think you can handle it (because we do not have a 2 mile time on you quite yet). Everyone else shall be looking at 4 miles or 5 miles.

We used to call this exercise either a long pace per mile or a short pace per mile under the old system. It is essentially the same and serves the same purpose.

Please remember during your warm up runs to exercise social distancing.

We have a tentative schedule, but it is not written in stone and therefore shall not be published. I expect many contests to be on Wednesdays. We shall adjust training accordingly once it is complete. No meet shall be held until after October 2nd.

NEXT SATURDAY'S PRACTICE MAY BE HELD AT CHICOPEE STATE PARK and NOT STANLEY PARK. Chicopee teams may be on our schedule. I am looking into this. 

GET YOUR CALENDARS and HANDBOOK pages back to me ( signed) on Monday.

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