Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Rain is supposed to end this morning.

We shall still have practice. In fact, we shall do most of what we did yesterday. The exception is that we shall do leg circuits rather than core work.

Group 1 shall run Angelina's route.

Group 2 can run the same distance they did yesterday.

Group 3 will do 3 and 1/2 perimeters to continue to build on your aerobic energy system.

The only thing that might cancel practice today would be lightning. As I stated earlier this week, expect weather changes and pack a sweatshirt or jacket in your backpack. It can be nearly 80 degrees one day and low 50's the next.

Changes like that make us all more susceptible to illness. That being said, get your rest each night and eat a solid breakfast. Snack or have a sandwich for lunch and eat again to replenish your energy when you are done with practice.

Being quarantined at home during school might be a benefit, because you have less exposure to other students. Our athletic department is pleased that you have selected an activity to balance off your day. Getting out and doing something positive is a GOOD thing,

Will see you at 2:15. You folks are really doing well!

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Selected by Elyse "Alpine Shoosh" Donaghue

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory - William Felton Russell

The greatest winner of the 20th century

Monday, September 21, 2020


Today I will do what others won't,so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.


Today is also Earth Wind and Fire Day!

Sunday, September 20, 2020


Tempo runs are approximately 80- 85% of your one mile vo2 max time. So unlike this weekend it is NOT at a conversational pace. This practice shall be WORK. 

I figure we should run perimeters. Each perimeter is approximately a mile. Each perimeter shall be timed.

The objective is to hit your pace on each lap.

New people are looking at 3 miles at a pace in which I think you can handle it (because we do not have a 2 mile time on you quite yet). Everyone else shall be looking at 4 miles or 5 miles.

We used to call this exercise either a long pace per mile or a short pace per mile under the old system. It is essentially the same and serves the same purpose.

Please remember during your warm up runs to exercise social distancing.

We have a tentative schedule, but it is not written in stone and therefore shall not be published. I expect many contests to be on Wednesdays. We shall adjust training accordingly once it is complete. No meet shall be held until after October 2nd.

NEXT SATURDAY'S PRACTICE MAY BE HELD AT CHICOPEE STATE PARK and NOT STANLEY PARK. Chicopee teams may be on our schedule. I am looking into this. 

GET YOUR CALENDARS and HANDBOOK pages back to me ( signed) on Monday.

Saturday, September 19, 2020


"You can move mountains, all you need is a teaspoon and the time." - Robert U. Budd, Sr.

I think our first practice went VERY well.

Each one of you are responsible young adults and I think we are jelling as a team already.

Let's continue this trend all season long.

You are each responsible for Saturday and Sunday recovery runs on your own. Scott is available this morning for a 5 mile run un Forest Park. We meet off the Trafton Road entrance.

Short warmup first

Erin and Emily - shoot for three miles.

Elisabeth - four (due to knee issues)

The rest of you can shoot for five.

Remember to do your core work afterwards.

Repeat on Sunday but no more than 4 miles and no less than 3. No core work though on Sunday.

Monday practice shall commence at 2:15. 

It's not about speed right now, it is about mileage, form and improvement

Friday, September 18, 2020



Practice today starts at 3:00. Please BE ON TIME We shall have VERY LITTLE (if any) access to the school. We shall meet inside the tennis courts nearest the baseball field. Put your bags a minimum of 6 feet apart to maintain social distancing.  Go to the bathroom BEFORE you arrive.

We have a lot of things to go over as well as get our workout in for today.

Be dressed to run, have an adequate supply of water, wear a face mask, bring a hand sanitizer, wear a jacket if it is cool (not the jacket...the weather).

Discuss with your parents the time or times you would like to start practices next week. 

You shall be responsible for Saturday and Sunday runs, which I shall go over.

If we set the standard today, we can probably be done with most of our practices within an hour (sometimes  hour and a half) each day. Workouts are posted where they always have been each day and week.

Stay on top of your studies, I figure remote learning is more difficult than actually being in class. 

See you later today,

PLEASE make certain if you have not done so, to bring your signed Informed Consent waiver.

I have sent out text messages, and shall have copies with me for completion.

Coach Budd

Thursday, September 10, 2020


A few things came out of last night's Coaches' meeting.

1) We ARE having Cross Country this year in the Fall!

2) The first official day of practice is September 18 at 3PM. Until we get situated, we shall be practicing at 3PM each school day...but this shall likely be adjusted depending upon the factors involved with remote learning and how we can insure runners can get to the school (keep in mind that I also have a son that shall be running for Sabis and am unaware what their schedule shall be)

3) The actual schedule shall be released sometime around September 28 for contests. As of now, not all schools have declared and thus no one really knows how meets shall work out because there SHALL be restrictions on contests...including spectators.

4) For the moment there are no sports busses. but I figure that shall change as there shall be a ZOOM MEETING on Friday for parents to go over questions, concerns all pertaining to how our community is looking at sports.

5) Things can change in a heartbeat based upon how well we comply and adapt to the changes.

6) Mr. Magee shall provide red gaiters for all fall sports athletes, along with specific rules as to when we must wear them (or masks).We should still support Ms. Dimitroglou's initiative to sell masks. Just remember NO SHARING (of anything we wear, or imbibe).

7) We shall need managers to help run our meets and keep statistics. It would also be helpful to try and recruit people that are interested in wearing our colors. SPECIFICALLY, I would like for us to talk to a few people that are probably involved in Soccer, but would be great assets to our overall program now and in the future: Ellie Mara, Julieann Voight and Abby Davis. Each performed well during the Indoor season and would comfortably find a home with us as Sophomores now.

Let them know they are welcome. What they decide to do is up to them, but we have typically had transfers that have joined us for various reasons and have had great success...THINK about Ashley Corcoran(who became an All-American),Abby Laughlin, Julie Lemanski, Kathleen Wicks, Shannon Brennan, Ashley Pelzek (best hoop player here ever)...the list goes on and on!

8) There is more, but we shall take things one step at a time I want to meet with parents at some point and discuss possible locations for practices ( Forest Park, Stanley Park, etc.), along with gear that the Girls are interested in purchasing (make certain Juniors are involved, because THEY will have to wear the stuff next year).

9) We shall still have the great ones: Scott Besser and Gary Gorman to work with during the course of the season and especially on the weekends. Perhaps even some surprises...

10) I believe we have a pretty good team, despite the lack of numbers.

Saturday, September 5, 2020


Details to follow.

For those competing, gaiters might be more practical on race day. Email has been sent to you all explaining the benefits.

Below is an example of the many uses available.

FOR MONDAY: Those running Tempo runs shall pace themselves as follows ( if you have yet to run your vo2 max and reported it to Coach Budd, we cannot give you an actual pace for Monday's tempo run.

Please try to get it in (vo2 max) Saturday if you have not run one, so that you are not fully stressed out on Monday. Report time to Coach Budd: (413) 364-1168 text or e-mail:

Make certain you include your name along with your time.

Here are goals for those that have done this workout:

4 Miles - approximately 35 minutes -  8:45 Mile Pace: Margaret Ryan

4 Miles - approximately 37 minutes 20 seconds - 9:20 Mile Pace: Elizabeth Laughlin

4 Miles - approximately 39 minutes - 9:45 Mile Pace: Elyse Donoghue

4 Miles - approximately 40 minutes - 10:00 Mile Pace: Angelina Carando

3 Miles - approximately 27 minutes - 9:00 Mile Pace: Emily Baker

Everyone else has no time for me as of yet. As times come in, I shall submit to each of you a target time for Monday.

Gaiters look like this: We can get them in red or gray. Note the different ways to wear them.