Monday, November 2, 2020


Our last meet is TOMORROW!

The Health Department in conjunction with the Superintendent has determined that our last day is tomorrow.

While I am not pleased, there really is no room for argument.

Therefore, we shall hold our last meet (full course) starting around 2:00 PM tomorrow. Since there is no school due to voting, I would like everyone to come in uniform as well as dress for any elements.

We usually wear black long spandex under our shorts and white long sleeves under our top. Hats are optional as well as gloves.

We shall be running the entire course, which means we shall take a lap around the track to the finish line.

I wish we had a little more time, but it also appears as if the Governor is adding more restrictions due to the covid. Hopefully things shall get better, so that we might have an indoor winter season of sorts.

Will need our managers to help. I had thought about running the boys first, but I won't start the boys race until 30 minutes after the girls have started. Will only need to put out two flags to insure correctness. Everyone should know the course.

Let's do our best tomorrow. I cannot guarantee the weather, but bring a positive attitude!

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