Thursday, November 12, 2020


I just wanted to check back in on those of you that concluded your Fall seasons and are figuring out what might be in store for the Winter.

The answer to this is - I don't know. NOBODY really knows.

Covid seems to be expanding. This is due to people not socially distancing, nor wearing masks etc.

You all have to exercise good judgement, even if you join a health club or interact with other athletes.

Weather is also a factor. Keep in mind that with the sudden reduction in temperature, you can be susceptible to an illness. Drink plenty of fluids. Dress appropriately. Get lots of rest.

If you do any running on your own, be conservative. After your workouts, make certain that you eat and replenish yourself. Continue to wash your hands.

MY best guess is that we won't start (anything) until after the first of the year. If and when we do, there shall be restrictions all of us shall have to follow. The MIAA is meeting soon to discuss Winter sports.

My group has several representatives that will share information afterwards. Keep in mind that our school and conference shall offer further restrictions as they see fit. The Health Department shall include their positions as well as the Superintendent's Dept. 

I assure you Mr. Paige and Mr. Magee really WANT to push sports, but are committed to safety first.

For Indoors, we do not have a facility as of now. It is likely we shall be moved to Fall II, which will have some conflict with Football. Indoor could lead right into Outdoor.

I suggest the Health Club approach unless it is determined we can utilize the school's facility, Throwers can consult with Coach Morrissey. For the rest of you, I would go through our regular drill routines often so you do not get stale.

I can post workouts like I did last Spring. Let me know if you want me to.

With holidays coming up, do your best to stay away from large groups.


Coach Budd

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