Monday, November 23, 2020


Most of you shall or have received a letter from the school administration regarding Winter Sports.

Indoor Track and Field shall not be one of them that starts on January 4. We might get underway on February 22nd.

This could work out well for us as we are trying to rebuild our programs. We could attract some folks from Ski and Basketball to participate Indoors.

In the meantime, we have not been given any permission to train at the school (directly or indirectly). This does not mean you cannot join a health club and do some training with weights and get some cardio in.

I would hope all of you would take some initiative and do so. 

After Thanksgiving, I shall be posting ideas for training and I would like Coach Morrissey to do the same, since he is our strength and conditioning coach. We shall coordinate.

I am also going to inventory everything we have and see if there are any items I can distribute to help you out. The important things are that you exercise social distancing, wash your hands, wear masks and continue to eat, sleep and balance your days with school.

I am thinking that the best gym deal out there is Planet Fitness. Keep in mind that gyms also have some restrictions and could continue to change depending upon the virus rules.

Now, here is what I am doing Tuesday. I am going to Wheaton College to view their new track.

Just like Cross Country, they are willing to host a meet or a few during December and January. I shall be inspecting the facility. 

If anyone here is interested in racing there (if it is possible), you would do so independently and not as part of East Longmeadow High School. Your parents would have to sign you up and authorize your participation. 

If coaches continue to put workouts on one of our sites and you follow them, you might race. A coach could be at the event in the capacity of an official. Needed equipment can be made available for you as done during the Summer (indoor shots, batons etc).

Let me know what you think. If I knew how to do a zoom call, I would host one, but I don't.

You all shall hear from me again soon either on Track Central or one of our communication outlets.

Happy Thanksgiving

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