Saturday, May 29, 2021


Javelin throwers did a terrific job today! I applaud you despite the mist at the end of practice!

For those of you away, it is high recommended that each day you are away, you involve yourself with our warmup as well as drills.

Long Sprinters and Distance Runners - Run for 20- 25 minutes on your own or on a Treadmill or swim or bike for an equal amount of time.  Stretch afterwards as needed and make certain to hydrate.

Short Sprinters - Do sets of short speed work. I would suggest 2 - 3 x (4 x 50's )with  a break of about 3 minutes in between. Then do core work (60 second planks).

Throwers - practice your movements and specific cues Coach Carr has embedded into your minds. Core work is good. Javelin throwers grab a broom and work on your form as well.

Clear your mind as we prepare for the post season! Enjoy your time off!

We will go back to normal on Tuesday. We are starting the COMPETITIVE PHASE of the season!

Coach Budd is no Einstein, so he is sharing some of HIS wisdom:

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