Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Saturday's MANDATORY practice has been upset by a road race agenda. There is now confusion if and when practice actually is.

I suggest that those going to the road race, come to practice for 8AM for final instructions on their events.

Because of personnel issues, some folks will not be entered on Monday, there shall NOT be a pole vault entry from us for safety reasons. This MIGHT change, but no assurances. Administration can decide.

Read your e-mail for event changes today. Race runners shall be released once they secure their event  information. EVERYONE ELSE please arrive for a short practice at 8:30.

NEXT WEEKS practice schedule is as follows and shall be followed accordingly unless MONDAY'S meet is postponed:

WED - 2-4

THU - 2-4

FRI  - 2-4

SAT - 8 - 10  (no excuses...AGAWAM on Tuesday)

MON - 2-4


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