Friday, October 23, 2020


Brought to you by Erin "Dilly Dilly" Lavelle

"Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges are what makes you grow."- Manny Pacquiano
Former Boxing Legend and current Phillipine Senator.

To everyone from Mr. Magee (through Coach Budd) -

Recent metrics show East Longmeadow still in the red. Mr. Magee is meeting with the Superintendent and the Health Department to determine if sports can continue. He is proud how all the teams have conducted themselves by following all of the guidelines.

That may or may not be enough. 

Longmeadow is currently the only school on our schedule that will not compete against us as long as we are still in the red.

I know he truly wants us to continue.


There are several rumors going around as to how we are going to end our season and what we can do in place of a banquet.

I was approved to hold an Intra Squad Cross Country meet at the school on November 10th.  This would be an opportunity for everyone to run on the true course and compare performances from year's past.

With Longmeadow out of the picture, perhaps we could pick an alternate date (we were scheduled to race the Girls on 11/2 and the Boys on 11/3).

The MIAA has allowed our sport to continue on until 11/20. While our conference (the PVIAC) has nothing scheduled. The MSTCA is holding a couple more meets in Attleboro.

Kids would have to sign up with their parents' approval and pay on their own (as well as secure their own transportation). I am simply relaying the information, I do not recommend this, because it is a little complicated. Coach Abad's and my priorities are the safety of the students here.

Coach Abad and I are going to follow instruction and recommendations from Mr. Magee.

I want to continue training if we can, simply because the Winter is a huge question mark. This means basketball, wrestling, Indoor Track and Field, cheerleading, skiing and possibly swimming may or may not go or shall have some severe restrictions.

Everybody asks me what I think, and I really do not know...but I am always hopeful something may happen to at least keep our folks in shape. 

The folks I mentioned throughout this message (MIAA, PVIAC, Superintendent, Health Department, Athletic Director, School Administration)  will collectively determine our fate. 

I assure you they do not wish to prevent anything, but our Governor also will weigh in. Just this week, I think he is shutting the skating rinks back down again.

Numbers are numbers and numbers do not lie. WE have to do our bit by wearing masks, washing our hands and social distancing.

It probably does not hurt to cross our fingers.

That is my story and I am sticking to it.

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