Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I hope everyone is holding up well during this pandemic. Please follow the instructions given to you particularly from medical professionals. Right now I shall continue to post workouts for you all to try to do, so please do your best.

Avoid direct contact if you are outside of your home. Make sure you are cognizant of the elderly and please try to help them whenever the situation merits it.

You are all young and less susceptible to the virus, still do as they say, wash your hands well and no high fives or anything like that. Be careful about touching your face.

Regardless of what happens, we are still a team and we need to be prepared in the event the season does start and continue.

Remain calm.

We will all get through this. If you are assigned School work please get it done.

Listen to the news everyday so that you are not unprepared.

I hope to see all of you by April 6th or 7th.

Coach Budd

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