Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Looks as though we will finally have an opportunity to practice tomorrow. We are two days behind schedule, but not to worry.

Please plan on being ready in the small gym by 2:10. I shall quickly take attendance and we shall go up to the library. Dress as if we are going to do some activity.

My intention is to go over the team rules, hand out paperwork as well as ensure that all of the new people are correctly signed on to trackcentral.

If you do not know what trackcentral is, that is fine. There is a link on this page at the top that can direct you to it, but until you receive a code to sign in you shall be unable to do so.

If we have time following our meeting, we shall return to the small gym and we shall introduce you to our new warm up. I shall try my best for us to be done by 4:15.

There shall be no parents meeting Wednesday night as there is a concert going on at the school We should try for Thursday 6:30 in either of the cafeterias.

This is a very busy week at the school, so please make good use of your time.

Thursday please arrive by 2:30 and we shall immediately get underway. This gives you time to secure extra help or anything else now you need to take care of.

We will be testing all of the new people, while those that are not assisting in the testing will be on the bikes in the weight room for a prescribed time.

It turns out Friday is senior semi. I do not expect the seniors to be at practice, therefore we will do activities as a group with all non-seniors.

Practice Saturday at 8 for everyone. We will start in the weight room.

Unfortunately, because we have lost so much time, we will have to practice on Sunday as well. But only after 1 p.m. per School regulations.

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