Tuesday, December 31, 2019


First priority is safety.

Today is far worse than yesterday. Roads are dangerous.

Since it is New Year's Eve, I imagine that people have plans. This does not dismiss New Year's Day.

Most everyone will be back home, the weather will be better, the roads will be clear and Coach Besser would likely be able to join us.

We're moving today's practice to 10 tomorrow at the school.

Understand that we only have two days to prepare for Northampton on Friday and that we will be severely shorthanded. Most people don't even know what they're doing on meet day. We will not get everything in on practice on Thursday, no matter what we do.

I can compromise and move practice to 12  Wednesday so you can get a little more rest, but you all will have to have a discussion amongst yourselves in your chat room or use some other method to determine this. I only want to hear from a team leader - I do not need 100 text messages telling me why or why not people can come.

Gabby seems to be the one person who communicates with me most efficiently, so I'll wait to hear from her if you want to change it to noon or some other time.

Let me know by this afternoon.

Coach Budd

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