Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Sadly, no girls made it to this meet. Funmi missed in the 55 by .01 seconds. Our 4 x 400 relay team also missed by .23.

TWO BOYS did advance: Charlie and Dominic. Let's wish them well.

Today at 2:30, we are meeting at Mount Holyoke ( 2:45 to 4).Those  that want to come, please let me know (413) 364-1168 (text me and leave me your name).  

I need to know who is truly interested in the Pentathlon. We may need to make travel plans if going.

We can still practice. Next week MONDAY and THURSDAY with Coach Morrissey.

If I do not hear from anyone, I shall assume folks are not going to the Pent. We have access to the long jump pit, as well as hurdles and high jump today.

Will also have to see when Coach Carr can meet for shot put throwing.

DEADLINE for the Pentathlon is Thursday! 

In the meantime, here is a 20 minute workout you all can do at your leisure a few times a week before the season starts.  I am certain Mr. Morrisey has some others you can try as well!

If we practice high jump at the school, will need folks to help set it up!

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