Thursday, January 5, 2023


Here are he pros and cons for Saturday:

PROVIDENCE provides us an alternate location to run.

My daughter lives out there and might possibly come to watch us.

Meet offers 55 hurdles, 55 dash, 200 dash, 400 dash, 800 run, mile, 2 mile, 4 x 2, 4 x 4, 4 x 8 on track

Meet offers pole vault (7' start), long jump, high jump( 4'4" start) weight throw, shot put.

Providence meet, I cannot determine how long it will be, nor how long it will take to get there, we have a meet on Sunday following against Northampton and Putnam, and we might be short handed on Sunday.

I cannot determine how we shall be able to fund the meet ahead of time and might need to have everyone chip in or have boosters cover the cost. ($15 per athlete, $20 per relay). The school would eventually cover the costs, but it might be a challenge to get payment into Providence on time.

These are not events we have for the State qualifying in the sprints.

BOSTON meet has events that we can use going forward.

Saturday it offers the Hurdles (trials and finals) 1000, 600,300, 4 x 800, 4 x 200, 4 x 400.

300 is run in lanes like it would in the MIAA tournament.

In the field Girls shot put, an long jump, as well as high jump starting at 4' 9".

While we have no one that has actually reached that height yet, it does give our best jumper an opportunity to see what it shall be like at the State Sectionals where they shall start at either 4-9 or 4-11.

Funding for the event is easy as, Mr. Magee has already committed to the MSTCA...from an administration standpoint it really is simple and we won't have to be concerned about how we get in.

Boys will not long jump nor throw shot, but can on Sunday at our dual meet. Girls have a lot of throwers anyway.

55 dash is NOT available until Sunday, but we have a commitment to the league on Sunday. Many of you can try out the 300.

Mile and two mile are being held on Friday (along with pole vault, and triple jump).

We shall limit the number of events we go into on Saturday so that we can be at near full strength on Sunday. Rest is going to factor in as well. Fortunately, we have the afternoon meet on Sunday. I would plan on having limited practices during the following week, so you all can get caught up on things.

Do not feel inappropriate bringing your school work to the meet(s), as there shall be some down time. We have had folks do this in the past with great success. It's called multi-tasking.


Securing a bus either way is not an issue.

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