Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 We shall have to improvise next week as there are limitations to the school's availability inside. I also would like to be around when the trainer makes herself available...she has a life too outside of the school.

Wednesday, Bus leaves ELHS at 2:30

So here is what I am proposing starting Thursday after our meet:

Thursday: Off day - take time to prepare studies and get ready for vacation

Friday : 3:00

Saturday: 8:00am on turf (weather permitting)

Sunday:  off do stretching on your own

Monday: 9:00am Meet at Track

Tuesday: 3:00pm meet at Track or School if bad weather

Wednesday: Meet at 4:00 (arrive by 2:30 for set up)

Thursday : off

Friday: off - workout on own 

Saturday: off - workout on own : Distance run with Scott

Sunday: off (those doing outdoor be prepared to start right away)

Monday: 2 to 4 (Outdoor Starts)


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