Monday, January 18, 2021


Today is Monday, January 18. If all goes as planned, on Monday, March 1, Indoor Track and Field will happen. That is SIX WEEKS from now.

I would prefer that those of you that are interested in participating have some plan to start training between now and then ( I am hoping that you all have done something already).

Coach Gorman offered a free program to many of you.

Coach Besser has offered to run on weekends with you.

Coach Morrissey is willing to offer advice to you.

I have listed workouts on the Ladyspartan web site.

What have YOU done to get prepared?

I know school starts up again on Tuesday. My preference is that we do not go into a season unprepared.

E-Mail me what YOU want to do: I shall share with our other coaches.

ALSO: Confirm if you are doing Indoor. I need to set up a mailing list!