Sunday, June 28, 2020


Coach Budd shall start posting workouts in about a week or so as he did during the Spring Track and Field season.

Workouts shall exist on our ladyspartan web site which can simply be clicked on this page.

Expect workouts about 4 times a week.

I realize it is impossible all the time to follow the workouts because there is a chance that some of you may be travelling at times, and weather can sometimes prohibit what and when you can do things.

If you have to travel, it might be wise to avoid many of the popular Southern States, as it seems as if this virus is starting to spike in various areas of the South.

The Recreation Department shall be giving me names of incoming folks as well as 8th, 7th and 6th graders that have done some sports. WE NEED NEW PEOPLE or we could fall into what happened last year and not have enough people to even field a team.

Losing Spring, actually set Cross Country back about 17 years (21 for track and field). One day I will explain, but please understand that it was a huge setback. Training will take on a full new meaning this year.

I have no idea what to expect in the Fall. We may or may not have a season. School days are also still up in the air that I know of in terms of classroom and/or home study.

This Summer the MSTCA has been in discussion on Zoom (which I still have no idea how it works - but have managed to participate in) about what could happen.

I would think that each person shall be required to wear a mask at practice unless actually running.  You all will have to bring your own water bottles (as usual) and not share. For warmups it is wise to exercise social distancing...we also may have to run in small groups. Hand sanitizers should  or could be required.

Getting back to the Rec Dept: I am going to see if we can get folks to train with us at Birchland. At the very least, learn how we drill. We have an opportunity to build a stronger team at all levels because not many of the other sports will be approved to go without even more restrictions than I have outlined  above.

Am looking at July, 13, 20, 27 at 6:30 - 8 to start. Additional dates can be added if everything goes well. I could also call it off in a moment's notice.

If you feel "feverish", do not train. Rest and quarantine for 14 days. Listen to Governor Baker's mid-day reports whenever you can and check this page each day for updates. We will proceed subject to the approval of the EL Health Department as well. They will guide the Rec Department. The program will be more "hands off".

Messages here would be posted after 8pm, on the other site I will put up by 7am, as I imagine that if you all are running, you shall do so in the morning. Will try to communicate 4 days per week.

Officially the school does NOT approve the term "Captain's Practices". if you all want to get together to run or exercise, it is something that you and your parents have mutually agreed upon. I shall submit ideas on the Ladyspartan site, but it is a guideline.

There could be NON XC runners around, so I shall have something for them also. Hopefully some may join un in the Fall. The tentative schedule is up simply click on XC.

Duck Races would be the first large XC meet throughout the State. There could be some restrictions. As of right now I do not know what they shall be. Also, bus trips could have restrictions in terms of number of participants depending upon our numbers, the boys numbers, and how many vehicles we are able to get assigned.

Elizabeth, Margaret, Angelina and Elyse shall be the leaders  They have the most experience working within the system. I shall send them all of the potential names and contact information.

By the way...COACH ABAD is taking over the Boys team. Please let me know WHO the team veterans are for them, so I can contact them and give them some instruction and allow them to contact their new coach.

For those of you that did not see my message the school sent to masslive, here it is. I also want to commend Mr. Paige, Mr. Magee and our trainer Diane for caring enough to send out heartfelt messages to all of our student/athletes. NO OTHER SCHOOL showed that consideration.

Be PROUD to be a Spartan. Your administration LISTENS and CARES about your concerns!

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