Friday, June 7, 2019


For those of you that attended the banquet, we spoke about one of the best ever athletes in ELHS history: PRIMETIME ( Jessica Schnepp).

To give you a background on her, she qualified for the States in the 100, long jump, triple jump, 4 x 100 relay as well as finally in the javelin (after suffering an injury in basketball).

Well here she is in all her splendor wearing the "throwback" whites!

For a refresher, she broke the school javelin record and was given hers at the banquet, now she has a daughter who already has something to work with when she gets a "few" years older!

She is a multiple time Western Mass. champion.

Jess went to UNH for Volleyball as she was the greatest player in school history and should be in the next Hall of Fame class...but she may have been the best overall athlete ever at EL.

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