If you are interested in learning Pole Vault, there is a clinic at Weston High School in which you could learn.
As far as I can see, there is no fee and they shall provide you with the poles you might need.
If you are interested in learning Pole Vault, there is a clinic at Weston High School in which you could learn.
As far as I can see, there is no fee and they shall provide you with the poles you might need.
Meet starts at 10AM.
POLE VAULT is included!
This morning I saw someone running on our track (around 6:00am). She was really really good.
Repeat 1000's ( marathon runner, she happened to know Mr. Gerry).
Runs for some Green Mountain (?) team out of Vermont.
If you distance folks get a chance to get to the school that early in the AM, you should meet with her.
COACH HAKANSAN-STACY of Central would like to have distance folks contact her. Perhaps you can train with their new start runner. (413) 313- 3005. Coach Arnold as well as our intern Coach Bonnano is interested in running with our girls as well this Summer. I think Audrey has her contact information.
Start getting going soon as the Summer flies by quite quickly. Be cautious of the heat and right now watch out for floods in certain areas.
COACH COUNTRY got back to me regarding throwing this Summer either down at Bloomfield of up at EL. Throwers should make a point to try and meet with him. Alisha has seen the results he can produce.
Here is the schedule he has given me, as well as his contact information: (860) 221-4462.
This week: MONDAY6-8:30,TUESDAY 12-2 & 6-8:30, WEDNESDAY 12-2, THURSDAY 12-2 and THIS SUNDAY 12-2.
JULY 24th: MON 6-8:30, TUE 12-2/6-8:30, WED 12-2.
Coach Weber continues his series at Minnechaug. In fact there is a meet on 7/22 there for all events this Summer. I shall forward you all the details in a day or so.
Continues with Gabby Thomas in the 200.
Here is how it is done at the Nationals. Starting with Sydney McLaughlin in the 400