Sunday, October 31, 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Today, arrive sometime after 2:30. Get your assignments started for school, or any meetings you might have to attend (you folks are good at this already).
I can get the boys to put out the cones (which I have to go get in Holyoke...another story!)
Be dressed warm-up as well as bring a jacket in case of rain.
Renassiance shall arrive and we shall walk the course together (or necessary parts). They have a skeleton crew. We should get underway quickly.
When we reach the entrance way back to the school....everyone jog in. Once you have reached the track upon your return, go to the tennis court and start your cycle to run. I shall give the teams about 15 to 20 minutes on they have arrived to begin the race.
It is important that you manage your time - this includes bathroom.
Will blow a whistle at 2 minutes and again at 1 minute, then I shall raise the flag and fire the pistol. If you are NOT there, it is not MY fault. I shall make no exceptions (unless it is something within reason).
THIS prepares you for the Championship meets. They will start without you if need be.
Use the FORCE today ( Focus On Respect, Commitment, Excellence)