Monday, December 28, 2020


 You go to the track meet to pick up your medals.

You WIN them in practice.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


 I have MY tree up. FINALLY!

What do you all THINK?

 I am afraid though that Santa Claus shall not be joining any of us this Christmas Eve. As you all know I don't celebrate Christmas, and now, sadly...neither shall any of you.

I am holding him hostage in carbonite. 

I heard help is on the way, but they won't make it in time...

Thursday, December 10, 2020


There shall be a ZOOM meeting tonight involving coaches information for Indoor Training. This has nothing to do currently with the school. Those that expressed an interest for training, can also be in on a zoom call Friday and have been notified. This is an opportunity for veteran Track and Field people.